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Am copiat (sic) câteva fraze de pe site-ul Ministerului Federal al Afacerilor Externe. Nu vreau să adaug niciun comentariu. Absolut niciunul. Nici măcar nu vreau să traduc. Înțelegeți voi ce vreți…

”Trade relations between Germany and Romania continue to develop in a highly positive manner. Germany is Romania’s most important trading partner and ranks third among foreign direct investors in the country, with 18,600 companies with German shares in the subscribed capital, which totalled EUR 6.95 billion at the end of 2011 (compared with EUR 6.39 billion at the end of 2010). Here, we must take into account the fact that a number of German companies make their investments via their subsidiaries in other countries, which means that these do not appear as German investments in Romanian statistics. Romanian exports to Germany account for 18.8 per cent of the country’s total exports. In 2011, they grew by 26 per cent compared with the previous year.” 

”According to German Chamber Network estimates, its member companies employ a total workforce of approximately 200,000 in Romania.”

 Sursa foto: aici.

2 thoughts on “No comment

  1. Stai ca acum apar astia cu ‘nu ne vindem tara’.

    Interesanta treaba, merita amintita/constientizata/acceptata.

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